Luksuzna. Niskoenergetska Kuća 354m2, Zagreb

Zagreb, Novi Zagreb - Zapad , Novi Zagreb

795.000 €
2.246 €/m2
Haus 354 m2

Prodaje se kuća u Novom Zagrebu, naselje Mala Mlaka, neto građevinske površine 354, 34 m2, a koja je smještena na dominantnoj parceli ukupne površine 9. 123 m2 (od toga cca 4. 500 uređene okućnice). Parcela je gotovo pravilnog pravokutnog oblika, u dijelu koji dolazi u kontakt s cestom parcela je široka 30 m. Cca polovica parcele je ograđena žičanom ogradom, koja je zaklonjena većim dijelom živicom ili ukrasnim grmljem. Kuća je izgrađena 2007. godine kao niskoenergetski objekt, suvremenog arhitektonskog oblikovanja. Toplinska izolacija postignuta je sa 20 cm debelom kamenom vunom, te vanjskom stolarijom proizvođača Internorm (troslojna stakla, profili izrađeni u kombinaciji drvo-aluminij). Uz relativno malu investiciju kuću je moguće učiniti gotovo energetski neovisnom. Zrak u kući kontinurirano se održava svježim preko rekuperatora i razvedene installacije ventilacije. Sve to omogućava minimalnu potrošnju plina kroz zimske mjesece. U kući nema, niti je ikada bilo, vlage, pljesmi, gljivica... S obzirom na površinu nekretnine, raspored prostorija, velike staklene stjene, kontinuirano prozračivanje... u kući je ugodno stanovati, raditi, učiti, vježbati, družiti se sa gostima... Dnevni boravak s velikim staklenim površinama, uključivo i velikom kliznom stjenom, gotovo da predstavlja sastavni (natkriveni) dio okučnice. Sve spavaće sobe orijentirane su prema istoku. Kuća je projektirana za četveročlanu obitelj - tri spavaće sobe, no i pored toga bez ikakvih investicija moguće je broj spavaćih soba povećati za još tri, a da pritom kuća ne gubi ništa od svojih postojećih karakteristika. Pored redovnih instalacija (struja / voda) kuća je opremljena, s priključcima u gotovo svim prostorijama, instalacijom telefona, interneta i antene. U funkciji je protuprovalni sustav. Antenski sustav sastoji se od satelitske antene, kao i antena za prihvat TV i radio signala. Kuća ima sve priključke - struja, plin, voda, kanalizacija, telefon / internet. Pristup do garaže, kao i oluci po potrebi se mogu grijati u zimskim mjesecima. U kući se nalaze slijedeće prostorije: tri spavaće sobe (svaka površine od 15 m2), tri kupaonice, soba sa saunom i popratnim sadržajem, garderoba (opremljena ugradbenim ormarima koji se zatvaraju s kliznim vratima), prostor gospodarstva (smješteni strojevi za održavanje rublja, te kondenzacijski bojler za grijanje i pripremu tople vode), mali boravak s kaminom na drva (površine cca 30m2), gostinjska soba (površine cca 12 m2), radna soba, veliki dnevni boravak (površine cca 50m2) s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, podrum, garaža, mala natkrivena terasa i velika terasa s roštiljom. U prostranoj garaži nalaze se dva parkirna mjesta, ali i dostatan prostor za spremanje vrtnog alata, kosilica… Pored garaže moguće je organizirati parkiranje i dodatnih vozila. Kuća, kao i svi uređaji uredno se održavaju. Okućnica je uređana u neposrednoj blizini kuće kao park, a potom kao voćnjak i povrtnjak. U parku su zasađene razne vrste visokog i niskog raslinja, sve na način kako bi samo održavanje tražilo minimalni angažman. Travnjak održava robotizirana kosilica. Okućnica je idealna za đečju igru, druženje, odmor... U ulici u kojoj se nalazi kuća, promet je rijedak, no i pored toga prolaze dvije autobusne linije (jedna završava na Savskom mostu, a druga na Glavnom kolodvoru). Na udaljenosti od cca 200 m nalazi se autobusna stanica, đećji vrtić, trgovina, knjižnica. Osnovna škola je udaljena cca 1, 5 km. Do trgovačkih centara Arena, Avenua Mall, Super nova, Bauhaus, Lidl, Konzum, Kaufland potrebno je autom između 7 i 15 minuta. Otprilike 5-10 minuta potrebno je do Zračne luke Zagreb, Američkog veleposlanstva. Lokacija je cestovno odlično povezana s ostatkom grada i okolicom (mreža brojnih lokalnih cesta, brza cesta Zagreb - Velika Gorica, obilaznica). Kuća ima sve dozvole (lokacijska-građevinska-uporabna), bez tereta je, a vlasništvo je uredno. Energetski certifikat A.


Za više informacija i dogovor oko razgledavanja, slobodno nas kontaktirajte.


Kontakt: Martin Golubić: Mob: +385*******, Mail: martin@ii. hr



--------------------A detached house for sale in Novi Zagreb, Mala Mlaka, with a net construction area of 354. 34 m2, which is located on a plot of total area of 9, 123 m2 (of which approx. 4, 500 landscaped yard). The plot has an almost regular rectangular shape, in the part that comes into contact with the road, the plot is 30 m wide. About half of the plot is surrounded by a wire fence, which is mostly hidden by hedges or ornamental bushes. The house was built in 2007 as a low-energy building with contemporary architectural design. Thermal insulation was achieved with 20 cm thick stone wool, and external carpentry from the manufacturer Internorm (three-layer glass, profiles made in a combination of wood and aluminum). With a relatively small investment, it is possible to make the house almost energy independent. The air in the house is continuously kept fresh through the recuperator and the separated ventilation installation. All this enables minimal gas consumption during the winter months. There is no moisture, mold, fungus in the house, nor has there ever been... Considering the area of the property, the layout of the rooms, large glass walls, continuous ventilation... the house is comfortable to live in, work, study, exercise, socialize with guests... The living room with large glass surfaces, including a large sliding wall, almost represents an integral (covered) part of the yard. All bedrooms are oriented to the east. The house is designed for a family of four - three bedrooms, but even so, without any investments, it is possible to increase the number of bedrooms by three more, without the house losing any of its existing characteristics. In addition to regular installations (electricity / water), the house is equipped with connections in almost all rooms, telephone, internet and antenna installation. The anti-burglary system is in operation. The antenna system consists of a satellite antenna, as well as antennas for receiving TV and radio signals. The house has all connections - electricity, gas, water, sewage, telephone / internet. The access to the garage, as well as the gutters, can be heated in the winter months if necessary. The house has the following rooms: three bedrooms (each with an area of 15 m2), three bathrooms, a room with a sauna and accompanying contents, a wardrobe (equipped with built-in wardrobes that close with sliding doors), a utility area (placed washing machines, and a condensing boiler for heating and preparation of hot water), a small living room with a wood-burning fireplace (area approx. 30 m2), a guest room (which is used as a gym area of approx. 12 m2), a study, a large living room (area approx. 50 m2) with a kitchen and dining room, basement, garage, small covered terrace and large terrace with barbecue. There are two parking spaces in the spacious garage, as well as enough space to store garden tools, lawn mowers... Next to the garage it is possible to organize parking for additional vehicles. The house, as well as all appliances, are properly maintained. The yard was arranged in the immediate vicinity of the house as a park, and then as an orchard and vegetable garden. Various types of tall and low vegetation are planted in the park, all in such a way that only maintenance requires minimal involvement. The lawn is maintained by a robotic lawnmower. The yard is ideal for children's play, socializing, vacation... In the street where the house is located, there is little traffic, but two bus lines pass by. At a distance of approx. 200 m there is a bus stop, kindergarten, shop, library. The elementary school is about 1. 5 km away. Arena, Avenua Mall, Super nova, Bauhaus, Lidl, Konzum, Kaufland shopping centers can be reached by car between 7 and 15 minutes. It takes approximately 5-10 minutes to get to Zagreb Airport, the American Embassy. The location is well connected by road to the rest of the city and the surrounding area (a network of numerous local roads, the expressway Zagreb - Velika Gorica, bypass). The house has all permits.


Kontakt: Martin Golubić: Mob: +385*******, Mail: martin@ii. hr



For more info about the house and viewing booking please contact us on the details above!




  • Gesamter Preis: 795.000 €
  • Preis pro Quadratmeter: 2.246 €/m2
  • Objekt: Haus
  • Quadratur: 354 m2
  • Zimmeranzahl: 9
  • Bäderanzahl: 3
  • Baujahr: 2007
  • Anzeigenchiffre: I14-2114


  • Garage
  • Terasse
  • Ajouriert:
  • Anzeigenchiffre:
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