Great opportunity to buy a house on the sea in Montenegro, Donja Lastva, Tivat, Montenegro


330,000 €
1,587 €/m2
Maison 208 m2

House for sale in Donja Lastva, Ruljina. The house basically has 104m2 and two floors, which is the total area of ​​the house of 208m2. The house is located on a plot of 456 m2. The house has a building permit for the attic (which would be the third floor). From the current flat slab, ie from the levels of the slab covering the first floor, you can see the sea. The first floor is finished roughly with installed floor and wall installation of water, electricity and central air conditioning. It needs floors, painting works, finishing ektro (sockets and lighting fixtures) and the installation of toilets. There are FID switches and circuit breakers. Installation. The house has separate electricity meters by floors and there is a possibility of separation and water meters for each floor separately (currently there is a control meter for the second floor, although everything can be separated). The installation (sewerage, water, electricity) was carried out for the second floor, ie the third floor. In this part of the city, the coefficient of construction is min 0. 8, which means that on this plot you can get UTU to upgrade the house to 388m2 (optionally the owner can do it himself and then the price of the whole complex would probably increase and thus harmonize with prices in the vicinity).

Distance from the sea is 320m, 150m from the market, 1km from the market, 2 km from the city center, 1. 5km from high school and college for Mediterranean studies, 500m from kindergarten, 100m from the post office, 120m from the Adriatic highway. In front of the house there are about 300 square meters of clean flat space for parking, an auxiliary building that is marked, or for a possible pool. The environment is quiet. The house faces south with the entrance and the living area faces west. The house has an internal staircase to the next floor and the space below it is convenient for a large storage room.

Lin on our web site is: https://www. searealty. me/details/63272/sale-house-tivat-donja-lastva. html


Prodaje se kuća u Donjoj Lastvi, naselje Ruljina. Kuća u osnovi ima 104m2 i dvije etaže, što je ukupna površina kuće od 208m2. Kuća se nalazi na placu od 456 m2. Kuća ima građevinsku dozvolu za potkrovlje (što bi bila trća etaža). Sa sadašnje ravne ploče, tj sa nivoa ploče koja pokriva prvi sprat vidi se more. Prvi sprat je završen u grubo sa postavljenom podnom i zidnom instalacijom vode, struje i centralne klimatizacije. Potrebni su mu podovi, molerski radovi, završni ekektro (utičnice i svjetleća tijela) i postavka sanitarija. Postoje FID sklopke i automatski osigurači. Instalacija. Na kući su odvojena električna brojila po etažamaa a postoji mogućnost odvajanja i brojila vode za svaku etažu posebno (trenutno postoji i kontrolno brojilo za drugu etažu iako je sve moguće odvojiti). Sprovedena je instalacija (kanalizacija, voda, struja) za drugi sprat, tj treću etažu. U ovom đelu grada koeficient izgrađenosti je min 0. 8 što znači da se na ovom placu može dobitu UTU za dogradnju kuće do 388m2 (opciono vlasnik to može uraditi sam i onda bi cijenu cijelog kompleksa vjervatno uvećao i time uskladio sa cjenama u bližoj okolini).

Udaljenost kuće od mora je 320m, 150m od marketa, 1km od pjace, 2 km od centra grada, 1, 5km od srednje i osnovne škole i fakulteta za mediteranske studije, 500m od vrtića, 100m od pošte, 120m od jadranske magistrale. Ispred kuće ima 300tinak kvadrata cistog ravnog prostora za parking, pomocni objekta koji je ucrtan, ili za eventualni bazen. Okolina je mirna. Kuća je ulazom okrenuta ka jugu a dnevni dio je okrenut prela zapadu. Kuća ima unutrašnje stepenište za sljedeću etažu a prostor ispod njega je zgodan za veliku ostavu.

Pozovite +382******* da dobijete više detalja i da pogledate ovu kuću jer je ovo dobra prilika za pametnu investiciju: www. searealty. me www. bit. ly/house-on-montenegro-coast-donja-lastva-tivat-good-price



  • Prix total: 330,000 €
  • Prix par mettre carrée: 1,587 €/m2
  • Type: Maison
  • Surface: 208 m2
  • Chambres: 8
  • Condition: Partiellement meublé
  • Nombre de salles de bain: 2
  • Construction: 1978
  • Surface du terrain: 456 a
  • ID Annonce: S23-625


  • Cave
  • Balcon
  • Parking
  • Récent
  • Internet
  • Cable
  • Réservé
  • Emprunt bancaire possible
  • Téléphone
  • Clime
  • Mis à jour:
  • ID Annonce:


85320 Tivat

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